Strategies To Combat Obesity

Strategies To Combat Obesity
The head thing is that everything we eat, either because it's time to eat, or submitting an intuitive push. And in fact, and in another case, eating occurs unconsciously. We offer a fork to his mouth while chatting with a friend, or unfold candy, thinking about something else, an outsider. What's so surprising overeating? The secret of success of women who managed to lose weight, is this: they have mastered what is called "conscious eating". That's the main rule: Listen first, then eat. The idea is to focus entirely on the taste of food, its smell and even color, and listen to your stomach. Try it and you are surprised to feel how the stomach to talk to you, giving you only audible signals: here I would probably eat another slice, but this I do not want ... to communicate with his stomach, as a living companion. Got candy? Directly and ask: if you want? And listen to the answer. Practice this way for weeks, and you fundamentally change your character of his power. It turns out that most of the "bite" your stomach does not need, well at the table you will eat at least a third less. 

Your plan 

Do not be lazy every time to understand their subjective feelings. Do you really need you pulled a meal for company? Or maybe you poured himself another cup of coffee just by inertia? Stop! There's also two extra tablespoons of sugar!

Make for yourself nutrition program. Taking into account your lifestyle, schedule and training. For example, a day where an evening workout - then at 5 pm right behind the desk must have a meal of protein tile. But in a day of rest do not need.

- fitnessall
