Eat Me! The 4 Principles for Health

Every day is certainly a new way to start fresh and begin a healthy eating plan. If anything it's a lifestyle change that should weave its way into becoming daily habit. Who doesn't want to feel their best and not regret what they ate? Nothing happens overnight. And in fact you didn't get to be the way you NOW are overnight, it took months and years to accumulate all the undigested foods, fats, carbs, etc that have attracted bacteria, yeast, parasites, and unwanted disease in your beautiful body.

Eat Me! The 4 Principles for Health

In this Dan McDonald interview with Lou Corona, Lou goes into his story and what led him to the path of ultimate health and self-healing.. When Lou was 21 instead of living it up like your average twenty something year old. Instead he was on the edge of his death bed suffering from a tumor in the back of his bead, severe acne, asthma, arthritis, and only went to the bathroom once every 3 weeks!!!! In six months Lou turned his life around -- 41 years later Lou is strong, healthy and more powerful then ever at the young age of 62. 

Within 6 months Lou was able to reverse and make his horrible suffering go away after adopting the 4 principles: 

Cellular Communication - every cell responds to how we think, feel, to what we do, our intentions, how we eat and drink, and what we do with our lives. THEY RESPOND CONSTANTLY - negatively or positively. Realizing the power of communication and words and t begin to start thinking more positively with empowering thoughts and less disempowering thoughts and words. Learn to communicate better. Learn to listen. Learn to love and forgive. 
Cellular Environment - incorporates the elements, embracing the sun, breathing slow and deep, drinking good pure alkaline structured water, being grounded. 
Cellular Exercise - how do you stimulate the lymphatic system? Are you releasing/detoxing toxins/waste from the body regularly? Work that lymph system with hot/cold therapy, swimming, to stimulate and drain that lymph. People with excess weight ---> sluggish lymphatic system. Since we are so clogged up, getting that lymph moving is ideal. 
Cellular Nutrition/Food - how do you feed your body from the cellular perspective? We need to eat the food that we need and digest it properly. That includes being able to break it down completely. Most people are still cooking their food when they think its healthy and good for you. But every time you eat cooked food the body has to use more of its own enzymes to digest the food, even more than your body makes...... this is what causes theENZYME DEPLETION to take effect. So in essence, people become enzyme deficient over time with cooked foods.

source - howtoloseweightquicklysite