Looking at the hashrate distribution and starting from the 6th August we get the following
(Peta Hash) BTC BCH TOTAL (Block Time) BTC BCH
6 August 2017 7473 143 7617 8.13 110
7 August 2017 6023 499 6612 10.28 22.15
8 August 2017 6637 551 7188 9.41 18.46
9 August 2017 6835 154 6989 8.78 62
10 August 2017 6200 541 6741 10.43 15
A picture is forming. Between 8 to 10 August roughly 400 petahashes moved out of BCH which triggered the EDA adjustments then move back in. In addition there was a loss of 200 Peta Hashes on the 9th August and a further 200 Peta Hashes loss on the 10th August.
The current BTC mempool is 50MB and blocktime is 10.28 minutes. There is clearly a development and it will get clearer today. Will the 400 Peta Hashes leave BCH again or will the hashing power on BTC decrease further. What happened to the 400 Peta Hashes missing since 8th August. The BTC chain cannot afford further loss of hashing power. Its' blocktime must come back to within 10 minutes and soon.
What is certain is that the current price of BTC is not justified with this inherent vulnerability, risk of the dreaded Chain Death Spiral. Have investors totally abandoned any thought of immutable economic security and due diligence? It is incredible how we lose sight of the risks when we bamboozled with riches, hype and misinformation through censorship.
It is other peoples' hard earned money and other peoples' investments. Even the possibility that this "black swan event" can happen must be addressed. It should never be censored speech.
Source - bitcoinandtheblockchain.blogspot.com